The secret to getting those perfectly authentic engagement photos

You know those drool-worthy photos of two lovers in complete bliss- hair flowing in the golden sunlight and smiles across their beautiful faces? The ones that you can almost hear the faint sound of their laughter over the imaginary romantic soundtrack playing while they frolic into the happily ever after sunset? They are the photos we all secretly (or not so secretly) want, which is why instagram and Pinterest keep them constantly on our feed. But many don’t know that these picture-perfect shots are absolutely possible - even with normal people like you and me!

If you want those glorious shots in your engagement album, we can help you get them! So many of our clients tell us they are uncomfortable in front of the camera and to be totally honest- we are not fully at ease having our own pictures taken. But together, we can overcome that initial nervousness and make stunning photos that you will treasure forever.

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Tell US exactly what you want

Everyone has different preferences. some like Photos to be whimsical and sweet, some want a more elegant or sophisticated look, and others want their shots to convey their fun and playful relationship. The best way to get exactly the style you are looking for is to be direct with your photographer. It takes a lot of the guesswork out of how to prompt you and capture your personalities so we can deliver the album of your dreams. Some couples don’t know what they want- and thats okay too. Just let us know that and we can let the session evolve organically.

Tell us-WE Can’t Stress this enough

Sometimes, we have couples who would like fun and playful shots but they don’t know how to get them or don’t think they are possible so they are afraid to ask. Don’t be! You just tell us what you want and you leave the rest to us! We will give you as much guidance as you need but letting us know your perfect vision will help us steer you in the right direction. If you don’t know exactly what you are going for but you have a Pinterest board full of dreamy engagement shots- share it with us. We don’t recreate exact shots but we will certainly use your vision as inspiration for your session.

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What do I do with my hands?

most (if not all) of our clients tell us that they don’t know what to do during their session and we get it! all of a sudden when a camera is involved, it’s like we don’t know what to do with our bodies- shoulders stiffen and all of a sudden our hands are franticly looking for a place to hide or a task to perform. “where do I look?” “what should we do?” We have all been there. Our first piece of advice is to embrace feeling a little bit silly. everyone feels a bit silly during at least part of the session- it’s what we do with the silliness that makes the difference.

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Remember why you chose your photographer 

We may prompt you to do some things that feel down right ridiculous on purpose because some of the best shots are made when it’s just the two of you laughing at yourselves. During these moments, you simply have to trust us- we know what will make the best shots. After all- that’s why you chose us, right? If you want those playful shots, don’t worry about what they will look like, leave that to us. know that you should never feel awkward in front of us. Speaking for myself (Jessie) I am as awkward as they come (and Chris loves that about me) so nothing you do in front of the camera will seem weird to either of us.

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We claim all responsibility for shenanigans

An added benefit of following our prompts: you can absolve yourself from all responsibility for your behavior during your session. After all- we are literally telling you to do these things. The best thing to do is just embrace it, follow the prompts and laugh with your partner. We Promise not to judge and we guarantee you will never forget your fun engagement session experience. At the end of it all, you will be so thrilled when we deliver beautiful photos that are tastefully playful, and charmingly authentic.

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Candid Shots are our Jam

We LOVE candid Photos! Often times we prompt you to do something but really we are waiting for the moment just after the “pose” where you are both laughing or reacting to the moment. Those raw and authentic moments in between are the ones we focus on. They are the charmingly sweet and genuine moments that we thrive on.

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Nothing is more romantic and photo-worthy than a couple who are enjoying each other! We will do everything in our power to make things relaxed and fun so we can capture authentically playful and sweet moments. Remember that your session can be so much more than a time to get beautiful photos. It is a time that you two can do nothing else but simply enjoy one another without interruptions. during the busy life of wedding planning and preparation, this is a time to laugh, to play, and to simply be together. Embrace, savor, and Enjoy it! You can even take it a step further- plan to make a date night out of your session. YOu’re both dressed up and feeling beautiful, you’re focused on each other, leave your session and have a night out together!

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Check out more of our Engagement Photography Here.

For more inspiration for your engagement your session, check out our Pinterest!


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